How to clean your scented candle?


How to clean a scented candle and give a second life to the jar?

When your scented candles are finished, what to do with this jar? It is still very aesthetic. It adds a nice little touch to your room, so why get rid of it altogether?

At Maison Shiiba we are in a 0 waste perspective, 100% recyclable. That's why we took time and a lot of fun to design our pots. With the aim that they can be reused in a thousand ways. (Container, pot for your plants, brush pot, cup, etc.). It can even serve you again if you decide to make diy candles. We don't put any limits on you, let your imagination run wild.

But before giving it a perfect second life, it is essential to know how to clean the jar of your candle.

First, to make cleaning faster and less cumbersome, all you have to do is to cut the wick regularly. This is 0.5cm high.

Why that ? Because trimming the wick will reduce the amount of soot production that gets lodged inside your pot.

For the rest of the cleaning, we reveal the trick that will make your life easier:

The secret ingredient? :drum roll: 🥁

SOME WATER ! Yes, at Maison Shiiba we give you advice that everyone can apply without spending on overpriced products.

For the rest of the cleaning, we reveal the trick that will make your life easier: 

The secret ingredient? :drum roll: 🥁

SOME WATER ! Yes, at Maison Shiiba we give you advice that everyone can apply without spending on overpriced products.

Steps : 

  • First of all, you will have to boil water (either using the kettle or more simply in a saucepan) and place your candle jar on a flat surface, for example: a work surface.
  • Then in a second step, pour boiling water into your candle jar, while being careful not to burn yourself. The water must not completely fill the pot, it will be necessary to leave a space before the edge so that the wax can then rise to the surface. 
  • Waiting for the magic (or science for the more down to earth) to take effect, you can watch the process, which we find very satisfying. 
  • Once the wax has risen to the surface and the water has cooled, you just have to remove it with your fingers. What's left of the candle can be used as a scented tealight! And now, voila ! 

Here is a short recap video:

For the rest: you need warm, slightly soapy water and a microfiber cloth. At the end of this last little cleaning, the result is impeccable. The jar is brand new and ready for those next 100 lives you'll give it 

Of course there are other ways to clean this candle, but we admit that this is our favorite, and above all, the simplest. 

We'd love to see how you'll transform your old Maison Shiiba candle jars, so please share your ideas with us on instagram or by mail. 

If you haven't read our previous articles yet, here they are: 

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